[ IELTS speaking - sport/exercise]


[ P1 ]

- How important is keeping fit to you?
- Are you interested in sports?
- How often do you do sport?
- Would you say that you are a sporty person? Why? Why not?
- Are there any sports that you’d like to try in the future?

[ P2 ]

Talk about a sport or exercise that you do. You should say:
- Why you do that sport or exercise
- How it compares to other sports or exercises
- How popular it is in your country
And say which kinds of people you would recommend that sport or exercise to
and why

[ P3 ]

- Should people be encouraged more to take up sport?
- Why do some people enjoy participating in sport more than others?
- Which sports do you think are best for people who aren’t used to physical activity?


6 Low-Impact Workouts That Burn the Most Calories


    創作者 RossiIELTS 的頭像

    專業線上雅思教學 Rossi IELTS

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