[ IELTS - speaking ] 因為同時準備寫作&口說,有些同學會遇到一個問題 - 講話會變得很ㄎㄟˊ… 請記得,寫作與口說的用字不會一樣,不要”刻意”混在一起用。IELTS speaking test 就是一場 structured interview , 請試著回想你在面試時的回答,自然流暢就好,不需要刻意用特定冷僻單字來告訴考官你懂得單字有多少,或刻意用特定句型來告訴考官你記憶力很強,自然流暢有邏輯的回答就好。當然這不容易,其實這類考試的重點都圍繞著 critical thinking,而不是去背多難的字與句型。沒有想法怎麼辦? 除了多聽 authentic materials增加 input以外,同學們平時就可以練習對生活中各類議題去記錄與批判,中英文不拘,久了自然就不會結巴跟鬼打牆了。
當過面試官 (不管是職場上或學校裡) 的同學一定知道我在說什麼,一場面試下來,大家都會刻意要表現自己最好的一面,怕出錯或緊張,所以假設問到你的生涯規劃之類的問題時,有些人就會亂背亂湊一通 ~ ”我希望貢獻所學為公司服務,公司的利益為我首要顧念…” 聽起來很完美對吧!! (疑? 這不是醫生誓詞嗎…?!)
How annoying would it be?
不需要用多 academic 的字,也不要迷信哪些字太簡單一定不能用 (盡量不要用slang 倒是真的),自然流暢的講出你的想法與意見,不要陳腔濫調,不要刻意賣弄,自然就能高分!!
舉幾個例子 (下面為 5-7分的答案,同學們可以自己比較一下):
Q: What’s your favourite colour? And why?
A: My favourite colour is blue because it reminds me the colour of sky.
A: My favourite colour is blue because it reminds me the colour of sky. Although some people believe blue is the colour which associated with sadness and depression, whenever I see colour blue, I feel relaxed and calm.
A: I don’t actually have a favourite colour, but I do know I hate pink, especially neon pink, because it’s tacky and tasteless! And I think our colour preferences may change, depends on our moods, and it also varies with gender and age.
Q: How would your best friend describe you?
A: My friends always say I am a friendly person, very easygoing and I love to help other people.
A: Well, if you just know me, you might think I’m difficult, but once you know me well enough, you will realise how trustworthy I am!
Q: What are the advantages (or, benefits) of riding a bicycle?
A: Biking is a good, you can easily get to your destination and exercise at the same time, and there is no need to worry about parking.
A: Biking has lots of benefits, I can engage my legs while being easy on the joints, and it gives me a great sense of freedom and enjoyment. These are the benefits of biking.
*A: Although some people may argue time is money, punctuality is a virtue, riding a bike might not be as efficient as driving a car, considering environmental sustainability, biking is certainly to be encouraged. Biking can not only reduce the emission of greenhouse gases but also increase our metabolic rate. (完全是寫作的句子… 這感覺就像你被公司問到你的職涯展望時,你回答“俗話說,天將降大任於斯人也。。。天生我材必有用,要怎麼收穫就怎麼栽…余將窮一己之力,盡畢生之所學,為公司鞠躬盡瘁!! ” ………)
好啦說了這麼多,大家情人節快樂~!! ( 對初次見面的對象劈頭就說 You are the apple of my eyes 是無法脫離單身的!! )
Say the right thing at the right time!!
颱風天要幹嘛?! 在家唸 IELTS 阿!!