發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2015-07-13 置頂 [Rossi IELTS] 課程諮詢單 (4349) (9)
2015-01-28 置頂 IELTS 準備心得-口說寫作篇 (2245) (0)
2024-12-20 [ IELTS writing ] task 1 新題型 - 圖像描述 (cooking equipment) (5) (0)
2024-04-02 [ task 1 ] 介係詞整理 (22) (0)
2024-01-29 [ Rossi 老師成績分享 - Tiffany ] (W6.5, S:7.5, O:7) (7) (0)
2023-09-08 [ 成績+準備心得分享 - Sandy Lian ] L9, R7, W7, S7, O7.5 (20) (0)
2023-03-09 [ 成績分享 - Lucy ] (W:7, S: 6.5, O:7) (9) (0)
2023-01-17 [ IELTS listening ] How do personality tests work? (8) (0)
2022-09-13 [ 成績分享 - Rowan ] W:6, S:7 (2022/09/01, W:6, S:7) (20) (0)
2022-07-28 [ IELTS writing ] MindMap 下筆前的構思 (46) (0)
2022-05-16 [ 成績分享- Ariel ] (2022/04/30) L:8.5, R: 7, W:6.5, S:6, O:7!! (18) (0)
2022-02-07 雅思寫作評分標準 (6) (0)
2022-01-21 [ IELTS listening ] Is British culture stopping our children from reaching their dreams? | Mark Hodder (5) (0)
2021-11-29 University of Southampton 南安普敦大學 校園與城市導覽 (4) (0)
2021-11-04 [ IELTS speaking & reading ] 間歇性斷食 (intermittent fasting) (2) (0)
2021-10-04 IELTS 雅思資源分享 (22) (0)
2021-09-08 [ 成績分享 - Sharon ] (2021/08/31, W:7, S: 6.5) (32) (0)
2021-08-12 [ 成績分享 - Charlotte ] (2021/08/09, W:6.5, S: 6.5) (9) (0)
2021-07-19 [ 成績分享 - Winni ] (2021/07/09, S: 7.5, O:7) !! (4) (0)
2021-06-25 [ 成績分享 - Niki ] (2021/06/05, L: 8.5, R:8.5, W:7, S: 7, O:8) (8) (0)
2021-06-09 [ 成績分享 - Niki ] (2021/06/05, L: 8.5, R:8.5, W:7, S: 7, O:8) !! (16) (0)
2021-05-28 [公告] 新TOEIC課程上線 (5) (0)
2021-05-23 2021疫情下的英國留學 (20) (0)
2021-05-03 [ 成績分享 - Megan ] (2021/04/25, L:7.0, R:8.5, W:6.5, S: 6.5, O:7) !! (5) (0)
2021-04-26 [ 成績分享 - Niki ] (2021/04/10, L: 8.5, R:8.5, W:6.5, S: 6.5, O:7.5) (9) (0)
2021-04-20 RossiIELTS 已經🔟歲了!!! (課程優惠資訊!!) (92) (0)
2021-03-10 [ IELTS 寫作 ] Writing task 2 文章分享 (2021/02/27 考題) (85) (0)
2021-03-04 [ 成績分享 - Phoebe ] (L: 8, R:7.5, W:7, S: 7.5, O:7.5) (9) (0)
2021-02-26 [ IELTS Grammar ] while 用法 (10) (0)
2021-01-05 [ IELTS writing ] IELTS 寫作時舉例方式 (57) (0)
2020-12-29 [ IELTS writing & reading ] The U.K. Coronavirus Mutation Is Worrying but Not Terrifying (4) (0)
2020-12-15 [ IELTS speaking ] 家電主題: 氣炸鍋 (Air Fryer) (8) (0)
2020-11-03 [ IELTS writing ] so v.s. so that (in order that) (10) (0)
2020-10-26 [ IELTS speaking ] 常見發音錯誤 (9) (0)
2020-07-13 [ 成績分享 - Susanna ] W:6.5 ( IELTS作文批改 ) (42) (0)
2020-04-30 [ 成績分享 - Will ] W: 7, O:8 (42) (0)
2020-04-24 [ 成績分享 - Kelly ] W:7 (24) (0)
2020-03-30 IELTS 寫作時要如何避免離題 (off-topic)? (82) (0)
2020-03-17 [ IELTS 寫作資源 ] Task 1 圖表題 (22) (0)
2020-02-06 [ Elaine 成績分享 ] (28) (0)
2020-02-06 [ Andy 成績分享 ] (18) (0)
2019-12-12 [ IELTS listening ] BBC 台灣短片分享 (4) (0)
2019-10-21 [ 成績分享 - Sydney  ] W:6.5 / S:7 (48) (0)
2019-07-19 [Roy 的成績分享 - Sophie ] W:6.5 / S:6.5 (57) (0)
2019-07-19 [ 成績分享 - Carnation ] W:6.5 / S:7.5 (39) (0)
2019-04-16 [Joanne 的成績分享 - Sophie ] (97) (0)
2018-11-26 [ Connie 成績分享 - W:6.5 / S:7 ] (88) (0)
2018-11-17 [ IELTS listening ] Our taste buds are affected when flying on an aeroplane. (18) (0)
2018-09-22 [ Michelle成績分享 - Rossi ] (115) (0)
2018-07-11 [ Claire 成績分享 ] (126) (0)
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