

藉由美國 VICES Sports雜誌的報導,來看曹錦輝事件,順便學些相關犯罪類寫作相關英文吧!!




- match-fixing 打假球

- several arm and shoulder injuries derailed his career 出軌 (這 裡指-嘎然而止)

- Tsao was banned for life (終生禁賽) from the CPBL despite a Taiwanese court having acquitted (宣判無罪) him of any charges.

- Although he was not convicted (起訴-多用被動式), the acquittal papers (無罪判決書) alleged that Tsao had conspired to (共謀) fix two games

- nullify = abolish 

- ambiguity 歧見,模稜兩可

- It is also worth considering (worth+Ving) the socio-economic backgrounds (社經背景地位)of some of the players. As a result of baseball's popularity in the 1970s, Taiwanese schools began to offer the sport almost as a vocational class. Young Taiwanese kids essentially began to focus on baseball rather than on academics (學業表現).

- marginalized 被邊緣化的

- a large chunk of 一大群,為數眾多的

- be comprised of 包含,(A comprised B - A由B組成 - e.g. The country comprises twenty states. = The country is comprised of twenty states. be composed of這用法只有被動語態正確!! )

- illicit activity = illegitimate activity

- they simply lacked the education to make better decisions. (lack 當動詞的用法)

- sexual favors 性招待

- forcefully 受脅迫地,暴力地

- consent form 同意書 (簽合約時很常見)


Rossi 個人其實沒有很迷棒球 (籃球&足球才是我的最愛!!),但身為職業運動迷,從職業運動的角度來看,曹的場上表現的確稱得上是個好球員!! 畢竟打球是他的職業,我也只會從這個角度去評價他。



中文版連結: 運動世界 Sports Vision - Dermer 丹的廢話連篇




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