目前分類:[Rossi IELTS] 寫作 (43)

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在 IELTS 寫作時,如何瞬間升級你的句子? Rossi 在此提供幾個很簡當的方式,不需要背模板,你也可以寫出專屬於你自己的漂亮句子!!


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有同學問到如何才能在寫作裡的 (CC) cohesion & coherence 項目裡拿高分呢? 幾個重點分享一下:


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這跟 IELTS 寫作比起來,我們的同學們應該可以輕鬆在 20 mins 內搞定吧!! 不過題目的確出的蠻好的!!

轉換成 IELTS 考題會變成是: 

1. People often judge others by the first impression, physical appearance in particular. Studies also show that a better physical appearance contributes to the belief of a person being better, smarter and more successful. However, as the saying goes "Beauty is only skin deep." We should value the efforts and achievement a person made instead of the physical attractiveness. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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