
寫作課時,同學們常會問到, task2 到底要不要舉例?


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Do you support that the nuclear technology should be used for constructive purposes?

Use your own knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. (以這類型的題目來說,可以舉例)

Give reasons for your viewpoint.

不過舉例時,不要過於敘述,像是: A powerful explosion hits a badly
damaged Japanese nuclear power plant in 2011, when I first heard the news, I was shocked. I cannot imagine what it would be like if the same disaster happened in Taiwan, because we are so close to Japan.


你可以換一種方式描述: As can be recalled, the devastating blast of nuclear plant, caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan worries all the people in Taiwan, because of the geographic location.

也就是說,如果過度敘述自身或別人的例子或經驗"的過程",很容易 off-topic。如果能夠換成 Omniscient point of view 全知觀點 (也可以說是宏觀角度)來敘述,在這類議論文比較容易得高分。

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    創作者 RossiIELTS 的頭像

    專業線上雅思教學 Rossi IELTS

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