2017-18 年要出國的同學,學費又"可能"調漲囉...雖然國際學生學費每年都在漲已經不是新聞了,不過在本地學生的學費部分,確定讓擁有優良學術背景的 Russell Group (類似美國長春藤聯盟) 大學自己決定,
"In practice, the move, which was welcomed by the Russell Group of universities - representing 24 of the most selective universities in the country - is likely to mean elite universities charging higher fees."
Russell Group 學校名單: (www.russellgroup.ac.uk/)
University of Birmingham
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
Cardiff University
Durham University
University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of Glasgow
Imperial College London
King's College London
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
London School of Economics
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
University of Nottingham
University of Oxford
Queen Mary University of London
Queen's University Belfast
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
University College London
University of Warwick
University of York
另外來看本地學貸的部分,低收入戶的標準為家庭年收入 £25,000 (約台幣1200000) 以下,可享有學費折抵,但是,僅限本地學生!!!
"Currently, students from families earning less than £25,000 a year get a full grant of £3,387 - reducing until those with families earning £42,000 a year or more get nothing. "