關代子句 (relative clause) & 分詞構句 (participle phrase)



關代的省略用法 (reduced form) Ving 形式就等於分詞構句嗎???!


😱 我們以 GMAT 有名的修辭考題 woolly adelgid 開始~~ 請選出正確答案!!


刪除 A, B, E 比較不可能的答案後,剩下 C, D 兩個選項
C) 錯誤原因1 : which 指代對象不明,雖然 which 在非限定子句裡可以代替前句,但 tree growth 與針葉枯死邏輯上相違背。改成這樣更清楚: the woolly adelgid, which causes needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop, retards tree growth.

錯誤原因 2: to change color from deep green to grayish green, and dropping ( not parallel 不符合平行結構, 應該是 to drop)


D) 正確答案。不過與 C 句型相較, which causes ≠ causing 這裡的 causing 是分詞構句用法:

👉 The woolly adelgid retards tree growth. 
👉 The woolly adelgid causes needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop.


S1=S2 省略前主詞,合併後動詞變成 Ving 形式~~ 



e.g. Having considered all the arguments above, I disagree with it.
e.g. Everyone taking (who will take) the IELTS next month must preregister.


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    專業線上雅思教學 Rossi IELTS

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